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The investment project AI-VEN.COM is developing. The administration has added the ability to take part in the bounty program. With the help of it, you can receive additional income to the profit from your investments. The tasks are easy, which you can complete in just a couple of minutes. I have always loved and love bounty programs. And I always advise all my investors to take part in them.

Make Your Own Success As Simple You Clap

The tasks include spreading positive messages on social networks and popularizing the company as a whole, in various ways.Factors such as presentation attractiveness, quality and reach play a critical role in evaluating the tasks performed. Become an active partner, participate in our bounty program and earn money without leaving your home!

In order to take part in the program, you need to register and make a deposit for any amount and on any tariff plan that suits you. Below are the assignments, each category has its own qualification criteria, the most important of which are performance, quality and coverage.


And so, let’s consider what conditions the platform AI-VEN.COM offers us

Youtube Videos

Create a video review where you are talking in detail about our investment platform and its advantages, or remove the video review about the positive experience of interaction with our company. Publish videos on your channel and apply for remuneration.

Facebook News

Publish a post in the form of a review about our platform, where you talk about the positive experience of working with the platform and tell about our advantages. Do not forget to share news with your friends and subscribers.

Twitter Messages

Share positive impressions from interaction with our investment platform with your readers. Publish your review where you talk about our company in a positive format.

Instagram Posts

Publish the post in Instagram in which you share positive experience with our platform. The post can be in video format or in the form of text, our choice. And also, you can duplicate this post in your story, it will increase the amount of remuneration.

Trustpilot Reviews

Write a positive feedback on the site trustpilot.com and supply the highest assessment of our company that getting a remuneration. It is desirable that your feedback is advisory. Open page AI-VEN.COM TRUSTPILOT

Signatures on Forums

Create a signature on popular forums so that all users can see it. In the signature should be domain ai-ven.com or you can place your personal referral link in your profile, it can help you increase your referral structure and additional income, respectively.

Basic information of this investment project

  1. Platform marketing: 2.5% – 3.5% earnings daily;
  2. Daily accruals, 7 days a week;
  3. Instant payout type;
  4. Started date: 29.09.2021;
  5. Do not have a lot of advertising today. It is good;
  6. The site supports English language.

You can read a full review of the project using this link.


If you are an investor of this platform, then I advise you to take part in the AI-VEN.COM bounty. This is a great opportunity to earn extra money. The more useful and interesting the information that you publish, the higher the amount of earnings you will receive.


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